American Contingency
Lifestyle • News • Politics
A community of like prepared and like minded that seek to be ready for the worst case scenario. We seek to build a network of Americans that can support each other through difficult times.
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American Contingency Q&A with Mike Glover Pt. 2
Only for Subscribers
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August 17, 2021
We Have Moved...Don't Get Left Behind!

Hey AmCon Community, @jtrigsby here with a quick update!

We have completed our migration from Locals to !! That's the good news!

Now for the bad're about to be left behind! We don't want that and I know YOU don't want that, so here's what you need to do to stay connected to the AmCon community!

Head over to use the same email address you use here on locals, and click the Forgot Password link... that will get you logged in.

Once you are logged in, be sure to tap on the My Account menu option to setup your subscription.

YOU have to cancel your support here on Locals and ADD a subscription on the Members site. This is the one thing we cannot do for you...

Check out the video, there are more details and some b-roll video of what the new site looks like.

If you have any issues, just shoot an email over to [email protected] and we will help you get squared away!

Hope to see you ...

The End of AmCon...

...on Locals (sorry for such a click-baity title).

[see the edit at the bottom]

Well, it is sad and exciting news! The exciting news is that all the invitations are out for the new Members website (and soon to be released app)! If you haven't received your invitation...check that spam box...then head over to to click on that support link and ask for help!

Of course that means we will be leaving Locals as well. Kind of like moving out of your first house...lots of history in a short time...but time to let go. We continue to be super appreciative of the support we have received from the whole Locals team!

So I hope all of you will look for and find that email and head over to the new Members site...I'm anxious for you to see what we have in place and hear about the plans for the future!

Take care and be safe!

Thom / AC2

PS - Mike's Happy Birthday message to AmCon is up on the new site!

Wow, so quite a few of you seem to be missing your ...

June 28, 2021
The Monday Update for 28 Jun 2021

Good News! Good News! Good News!

The migration has begun. We’re moving Members from the locals site to the new AmCon Members site. It will take the better part of this week to get everyone moved.

Make sure you have a current email address attached to your locals account as that is being used to send your invitation. Vetted Members are being moved first. If you have questions, please reach out to your local group leader(s) first. They’re being updated nightly and they are your best source of information.

During the migration we’re posting in both the locals site and here in this site. This duplication ensures you won’t miss any content. You might miss some comments, but not content. You’ll be able to check both places until further notice.

As we move please be patient this is a big task. Once it’s complete the result will be amazing. We own and operate this site so we have complete control allowing us to do a bunch of things we could do before. Like the developing the ...

Intel Recap EP05 22 FEB 2021

Heather goes over the significant events from the past week in the news.

Intel Recap EP05 22 FEB 2021
Polar Vortex After Action Review (AAR) Feb 16 2021

Heather discusses in detail her emergency plan for how she and her family handled her most recent emergency - 5 adults, 2 kids and 4 days with no water and 2 days with no power. Heather discusses some of her mistakes and the issues she had to mitigate as she and her family went through a snowstorm and ice storm, which included no safe access to the nearest town for 2 days. Kindly excuse the small children that interrupted one small portion of the podcast.

Polar Vortex After Action Review (AAR) Feb 16 2021
Intel Recap EP04 Feb 15 2021

Heather and Joe discuss the impeachment of former President Trump for the first half of the podcast. For the the second half, Heather discusses some thoughts regarding the Polar Vortex. Heather and Joe both live in the Pacific Northwest and experienced 3 days without water and power and had to troubleshoot multiple issues including a frozen water pump, dead generator, and an ice storm that took trees down all over the roads. Heather discusses her thoughts on what she would do differently. Please note - towards the end of the podcast, the water came back on briefly and you can hear it coming back on (Joe gets up to check since Heather is talking) and it causes somewhat of a distraction. We hope you enjoy!

Intel Recap EP04 Feb 15 2021
August 20, 2024
Again for the ones in the back, we have left this platform

We left this platform and are on the Members site that we have developed and that we own. Go to WWW. and join us there. But before you go close down your account here.

November 06, 2022
Observations from Operations

We have moved over 2 years ago to the Members site. Come join us. If your here on LOCALS your missing out!!!! We are no longer here

June 23, 2021
For Those of You That Are Tired of Hearing From Me…Good News!

As we move closer to making our own site a reality, I’ve had the opportunity to begin working on other aspects of American Contingency. This morning I am very excited to let you know about two recent additions to the team.

Jack Dawes is joining the headquarters staff as the Operations Coordinator. Jack brings a career of military experience to a role where he will lead Regional Coordinators in providing direct support to Members and organizations in the field. He will also be leading the AmCon Orgs certification program. Welcome to the team Jack!

Eric Mulford is joining the headquarters staff as Content Manager. Eric has years of experience creating and curating extraordinary user experiences across the web and apps. He is currently working to move the best content from Locals to our Members site. Welcome to the team Eric!

Both of these guys will be reaching out to Members of the Network to tap your expertise. Be on the lookout for their emails!

These are just the beginning. As I mentioned ...

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